Romancing the Beat: Story Structure for Romance Novels
I know you read kissing books, but do you write kissing books too?
This week I released my first nonfiction book about story structure for romance novels. I understand that there are hundreds of different narratives for these books, from Mafia Romance Books to fantasy novels to same-sex stories, but most of them follow the same basic structure. So, if you write or review romance–or you just want some behind the scenes info–you might be interested. I sort of sound like I know what I’m talking about and there are plenty of ’80s references so you know it’s me. LOL.
Whether you are in the process of starting a novel and want to learn how to write dialogue, or already have some novels under your belt, there are lots of useful lessons that can make your writing better. Which reminds me, are you on the lookout for a literary agent? It is no secret that a literary agent can help you to publish your work. To learn more about securing representation from a literary agent, take a look at this guide to presenting a novel manuscript over on that also includes a helpful manuscript format.
What makes a romance novel a romance? How do you write a kissing book?
Writing a well-structured romance isn’t the same as writing any other genre-something the popular novel and screenwriting guides don’t address. The romance arc is made up of its own story beats, and the external plot and theme need to be braided to the romance arc-not the other way around.
Told in conversational (and often irreverent) prose, Romancing the Beat can be read like you are sitting down to coffee with romance editor and author Gwen Hayes while she explains story structure. The way she does with her clients. Some of whom are regular inhabitants of the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists. Romancing the Beat is a recipe, not a rigid system. The beats don’t care if you plot or outline before you write, or if you pants your way through the drafts and do a “beat check” when you’re revising. Pantsers and plotters are both welcome. So sit down, grab a cuppa, and let’s talk about kissing books.
Lady Elizabeth
I love your book. Right now I’m using your template to try to outline a story. It’s the second time I’m trying to outline in general but I think I’ll finally do it with your help. I love kissing books and I have tons of them in my head too 🙂
Gwen Hayes
Yay!! I’m so glad it’s helpful to you. Good luck with your outline!
Margaret B
A have just started writing, and I found your book and the planning outline. What a godsend!
Can I do this? Of course I can, now, with your help. Thank you so much.
Gwen Hayes
Of course you can!
Christopher Wills
Great book. I’m using it to add a romantic subplot to a postapoc dystopian novel I’m writing. It is very helpful; just what I need.